Wednesday, 11 December 2013

My friend by Sergio F. 4B

This is Dani.He is my friend.

He is tall and he is young.

His birthday is on 17th March. He's  9 years old.

He is from  Galicia/Spain

He hasn´t got any sisters and brothers.

He can play football.

He´s got black hair and brown eyes.

His favourite colour is red and his favourite food is pizza.

Violeta by Lucía 4B


This is  Violetta , a famous Singer from Argentina.
Her real name is Martina Stossel.
She is 25 years old.Her birthday is on 21st  March.
Her mum and dad are from Argentina.
She hasn't got any brothers or sisters.
She's pretty .She's got brown wavy hair , brown eyes
and a big nose.
Her favourite colour is light purple.
Violetta can play the piano very well.


                                                                                                                                      BY LUCIA B

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Pinocho by Tiago

This is Pinocho a famous character.
He is 6 years old. His birthday in on 30 th  February.
He comes from Paris.
He´s handsome. He´s got blue eyes and black hair.
He´s 1 m. tall. He can run very fast.
His favorite number is 10. His favorite colour is yellow.
He likes apples.

Monday, 9 December 2013

by Daniel m. (Rafa Nadal)

This is Rafael Nadal Parera
His name is Rafael Nadal
He is a tennis player. He is the numer 1 of the world.
He is 27 years old
His birthday is on 3rd June.
He's from Spain.
He's got three sisters.
He's handsome. He's got  curly brown hair.
He's 1,85 cm tall. He can throw the ball very fast with the racket.
His favourite number is 6. His favourite colour is red.
He likes fish and he drinks coca cola.

SHAKIRA By Raquel G. 4B

This is Shakira.
Her real name is Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll.
She is a famous singer.
She is 36 years old. Her brithday is on 2nd February.
She´s got long and blond hair. She´s got brown eyes.
She can play the guitar and  dance very well.
Her favourite colour is blue.


The famous Fernando Alonso by Sergio F. 4B

This is Fernando Alonso.
He is a racing driver.
He is 32 years old. His bithday is on 29th July.

He is thin,short and young.

He´s got brown hair and brown eyes.

He´s 1,71 cm tall.

He is from Spain.

He´s got one sister.

His favourite number is 1.

His favourite colour is red.

His favourite food is "fabada asturiana"

Saturday, 30 November 2013


This is Lionel  Andrés  Messi  Cuccitini ,a famous football player.

He plays for Football Club Barcelona.

He is 26 years old.His birthday is on 24th  June.

He is from Argentina.

He's got a brother and a sister.

He's handsome.He's got brown hair and brown eyes.

He's 169cm tall.He can ran very fast and he scores many goals.

His favourite number is 10.

His favourite colour is yellow.

He likes pizza and chips he drinks Coca cola.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

BRUNO MARS by Adrian 4ºA

This is Bruno Mars.
He is a singer.
He is from Honolulu.
He´s 28 years old.
His birthday is on 8th October.
He is 1,65 cms tall. He is short.
His favourite colour is black.
He can play the piano.

Neymar by Iván C. 4A

This is Neymar, a famous football player. He's 21 years old.

He's got brown eyes, black hair and a short nose.

He's wearing a Barcelona t-shirt and football boots.

He's thin. 
He's tall and strong.
His favourite sport is football.

His favourite colour is red.

His birthday is on 5th February.

MADONNA by Elisa, 4A


This is Madonna,a famous   singer in USA.

 Her real name is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone.

She is from Michigan (E.E.U.U.)            


She is 55 years old. Her birthday is on 16th August.

 She is  1,64 cm tall.She is short,thin and funny.

 She's pretty.She's got wavy blond hair,blue eyes and a
  long nose.

 Madonna can play the guitar,,drumms and sing.



ANGUS YONG by Daniel 4ºA


This is Angus Young.

He is a famous guitar player.

He is from Scotland (UK). He is 58 years old.

His birthaday is on 31st March.

He is 158 cms tall.

He is short and thin.

His favourite instrument is the guitar.He loves singing.

He can play the electric guitar

Click here to watch the video.:

Leo Messi by Brais

This is Leo Messi.
He is 26 years old.
His birthday is on 24th June.
He is from Rosario,Argentina.
He has straight and black hair.
His son's name is Thiago.
He loves ugly jackets.

by Brais 4ºB

Shakira by Sara N. 4B

This is Shakira, a very famous singer.
Her real name is Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll. She is Colombian and she's 36 years old. Her birthday is in February the 2nd. Her mother is Arabian and her father is Spanish.
She's  pretty and a very good dancer. She's got curly blond hair, her eyes are brown and she's got a beautiful  smile. Her first hit single was "Loca,ciega". She is  Alejandro Sanz's friend.
She's married to Gerard Pique, and a they've got a son.

Saturday, 23 November 2013


This is Fernando Alonso, he is a famous pilot of Formula 1.
He is 32 years old, his birthay is on 29 Juli. He comes from Asturia, Spain.
He is handsome, he has got brown hair and brown eyes.
His favorite number is five, his favorite color is red and he likes chips and cola.

Friday, 22 November 2013

About me by Sara N. 4B

  Hi!I'm Sara.I'm 9 years old.I'm in class 4B.My school is Emilia Pardo Bazan.
  I live in a house in Coruña/Spain.
  I've got a sister.Her name is Naiara.
  I've got a cat and two fish.
  I can swim but I can't play football.
  I like ice creams but I don't like octopus.
  My favourite colour is pink.
    Bye bye my internet friends.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

MARC MARQUEZ by Manuel V. 4º B

Marc Marquez

This is Marc Marquez Alenta, a famous motorcycle rider player.

He plays in Repsol Honda motorbike GP.

He is 20 years old. His birthday is on 17th  February.

He is Spanish.

He hasn´t got any brothers or sisters. He´s hadsome.

He´s got black hair and brown eyes.

He´s 150 cm tall. His favourite number is 5 and his favourite colour is blue.

He likes fruits, pizza and seven up.

Carlos Sobera by Mireya 4ºA.

This is Carlos Sobera, he is an actor and a television presenter.
He is from Baracaldo.
He is 53 years old. His birthday is on the 11th of August.
He´s got brown eyes and grey hair.
He is 180 cm tall.
He can play football but he can´t cook well.
His favourite food is meat balls in sauce cooked by his mother.


Neymar by Sergio S.

This is a football player.
His name is Neymar Silva Santos Junior
He plays in FC Barça football team.
Hi is 22 years old, his birthday is on 5th  May.
He comes from Brasil.
He´s got one brother Ganso and one sister Rafaella.
He is handsome .He´s got blond hair and brown eyes
He´s  1,75cms tall. He can run very fast and he scores many goals .
His favourite number is 11.His favourite colour is white.
He likes rice and  steak, and he drinks Coca Cola.
He is thin.


This is Buzz Aldrin.
He is an astronaut.
He is from United States of America.
He is 93 years old.
His birthday is on 20 th January.
He is 1,78 cm tall.
He is tall and  thin.
His favourite activity is travelling.
He can travel to Mars.

PABLO ALBORÁN by Irene González Calvo 4º A

This is  Pablo Alborán.

He is  a  famous  singer.

He´s  from Malaga 

He is 24 years  old.

His birthday is on 31st  May

He has got straight brown  hair and a beard.

He is 180 cm tall.

He is tall and thin.

His favourite food is fish.

 He can play the guittar very well.


PEYTON LIST by Carmen 4th B

This is Peyton List, a famous American actress and model.

She is 15 years old. Her birthday is on 6th April. 

She has got two brothers called Spencer and Phoenix. 

She's pretty. She's got  wavy blond hair and brown eyes. 

She stars as Emma Ross, the oldest of four children, in the Disney Channel series Jessie.

DESCRIPTION by Sergio C. 4ºA

This is Lionel  Messi. He is a famous football player. He is from Argentina. He is 25 years old. His birthday is on 24th  June. He is 169 cm tall. He is short, thin and young. His favourite food is napolitan milanese. His favourite sport is football. He can run very fast and he scores many goals.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

About me, Sara López 4º B

    Hi! I´m Sara. I´m 9 years old. My school is Emilia Pardo Bazán. I´m in class 4B. I  live in Spain. I´ve got a sister. Her name is Lidia. I´ve got a pet. His name is Pichí. I can play basketball but I can´t play tennis. My favourite colour is red. I like pasta but I don´t like dogs.

                                                                 By Sara L.                                                                                                                                                                                                      4ºB.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Me by Nerea 4A

Hi I`m Nerea. I`m 8 years old.  I´m in class 4A. My school is Emilia Pardo Bazan. I live in a flat in Coruña. I´ve got a pet, it's a turtle. Her name is Clara. I can cook but I can´t play football. I like pasta but I   don´t like tomatoes. My favourite food is pasta. I´ve got a brother,his name is Sergio.He is 6 years old.
Bye bye.

LIONEL MESSI by Martín J. López 4-A

This is Lionel Andrés Messi .
He is a famous football player.
He is from Argentina.
He is 26 years old. His birthday is on 24th of June .
He is 162 cm tall.
He is strong and short.
His favourite sport is football.       
He can play football very well.


Ross Lynch by David Rodriguez 4ºA

This is Ross Lynch
He´s got blond hair and a big mouth.He is tall.
He´s an  actor, a singer, a musician and a  dancer.
He´s from Littleton Colorado in USA
He is 17 years old
His birthday is on 29th December.
He can sing and dance.
Ross Lynch also plays in his band called R5 with siblings Riker Lynch,Rocky Lynch,his sister Rydel Lynch and the best friend of the family,Ellington Ratliff.

Diego Costa. By Mauro 4A.

This is Diego da Silva Costa, a famous football player. He plays in Atletico de Madrid football team. He is 25 years old. His birthday is on 7th October. He comes from Brazil. He hasn´t got any brothers or sisters. He´s handsome. He´s got brown hair and blue eyes. He´s 188 cm tall. He can run very fast and he scores many goals. His favourite number is 19. His favourite colour is red. He likes meat and chips and he drinks Coca Cola.

Saturday, 16 November 2013


Hi, my name is Pablo C.

I'm in class 4ºB. My school is Emilia Pardo Bazán

I live in a flat in Coruña/Spain

I have got a sister:Candela, she is seventeen years old.

I haven´t got any pets.

I can play football but I can`t play the piano.

My favourite colour is red, and my favourite sport is football.

I like travelling.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Mario Casas.By Anxela Nolla Garìa.4ºB.

This is Mario Casas.

His birthday   is on 12th June .

He comes from Spain.(A Coruña).

He's got a brother and  sisters.

He  is 27 years old.

He's    got  brown hair and brown eyes.

He's 1,75 cm tall.

He can play football.

His favorite number is 7.

His favourite colour is purple.

He likes pizza and  beer.


                 BYE,BYE Anxela N. 4ºB.

ABOUT ME / Carlos Esparza Gangutia 4ºB

Hi! I'm Carlos. I'm 9 years old. I'm in class 4ºB. My school is Emilia Pardo Bazán. I live in a flat in Coruña. I've got one brother and one sister. Her name is Silvia and his name is Victor. I like ice creams but I don't like vegetables. I can play football but I can't ride a horse. My favourite food is pizza. My favourite animal is a monkey. My favourite sport is football. My favourite colour is orange.

ABOUT ME by Tania.

Hi. I‘m Tania. I‘m nine years old. I‘m in class 4-B my school is Emilia Pardo Bazan. I haven't got any brothers and sisters. I have got a pet. It's a dog. Her name is Pepa. I like pizza but I don't like beans. I can skate but I can't play football. My favourite sport is dancing.